Was ist Ihr Tassotti-Weihnachtsstil?
Dieses Jahr haben wir die Kreativität rund um Weihnachten erkundet und drei verschiedene Stile für die Feiertage uns vorgestellt, die natürlich von...
An important anniversary for Carteria Tassotti (Stationery + Bookshop), the flagship store of the Company opened on September 5th, 1992 in Via Ferracina, a few steps from Ponte degli Alpini in Bassano del Grappa.
This date, from which 30 years have passed, was chosen to highlight and communicate immediately the close link that the Carteria has with the cultural dimension of this area: the same day saw the opening of the first major exhibition on Jacopo Bassano, an important painter from Bassano del Grappa. The exhibition was commissioned and organized by the then director of the Civic Museum Paola Marini.
The store, thought to be a meeting point able to present the entire range of products and to display the private Remondini collection, is an informal exhibition space, but at the same time very unique, where collections and products are the real protagonists. For 30 years, loyal customers and tourists have been able to find here an exclusive environment, which combines love for paper and the art of printing. Testifying to this deep relationship with the customers is also the signature book that collects dedications and comments.
On the ground floor customers can find all the proposals of the entire catalogue, while in the upper room there is a corner displaying the books published by Tassotti, with publications dedicated to the history of the ancient Remondini printing house, to the First World War, photographic volumes of Veneto and guides of the territory. Also on the second floor, from where you can admire the Palladian Bridge over the Brenta River, there is an exhibition of the Remondini-Tassotti collection of popular prints, floral cards, sacred and profane books, all original specimens of the '700.
The Tassotti family has in fact collected the legacy of the Remondini Publishing House (1657-1861), considered in various dictionaries to be "the largest printing house in Europe". Today Tassotti products are recognized worldwide as a guarantee of Made in Italy quality, thanks to those distinctive traits of craftsmanship able to reinterpret tradition also in a contemporary key.
The Remondini Collection is part of the national circuit "Paese che vai, museo che trovi”, promoted by the Italian Association "Museums of print and paper" and it is visited by schools, historians and fans of popular prints. Near the Carteria, in Palazzo Sturm, you can visit the Remondini Museum of the Civic Museum of Bassano.
But that’s not all! The Carteria, always a point of reference for the FAI - Fondo Ambiente Italiano, is also home to recreational and educational activities: periodically there are courses in paperboard, bookbinding, origami, decoupage and guided tours organized to show the cultural and entrepreneurial heritage of the Company.
The success of the store is a source of pride - especially in a context like the current one, which sees the market in need of new impulses and increasingly "tailored" customer services. The store allows in fact to create and maintain over time personal and social relationships that are then the fulcrum of an entrepreneurial activity well rooted in the territory. The choice to "make culture" also confirms that Tassotti is a company aware of the importance of tradition and at the same time is projected towards innovation and experimentation.
"In the era of technology, where smartphones and tablets are always connected - says Giorgio Tassotti, President and Founder - the tendency to search for all those authentic emotions and sensations that only paper can transmit is becoming more and more affirmed".
On the occasion of this 30th milestone, from the 5th of September and for the entire month there will be a 15% discount on all products in the store, with the exception of books for which larger discounts may apply. A small gift will also be provided.
Dieses Jahr haben wir die Kreativität rund um Weihnachten erkundet und drei verschiedene Stile für die Feiertage uns vorgestellt, die natürlich von...
Unsere Weihnachtskreationen haben es in einige der wichtigsten italienischen Magazine geschafft. Blättern Sie durch die Seiten der Dezemberausgabe...