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14 juin 2024

General States of Literature in Veneto 2024

Grafiche Tassotti is proud to support the 2024 edition of "Stati generali della letteratura in Veneto", taking place at Villa Angaran San Giuseppe in Bassano del Grappa from June 20th to 22th. This year's focus will be on "Behind the Music: The Written Form of Sound".

Several events are planned, including round tables, concerts, readings, guided immersive experiences, and workshops.

For the occasion, Carteria Tassotti has created dedicated bookmarks (graphics created by the ocho editorial team of Villa Angaran San Giuseppe) which will be distributed in stores, with all books borrowed from the Biblioteca Civica or purchased at the Libreria Palazzo Roberti, co-organizers of the event.

To view the complete program, please visit: →

Culture and territory: two elements that have always been fundamental for Grafiche Tassotti.

An initiative of:
Alba Pratalia - Villa Angaran San Giuseppe - Libreria Palazzo Roberti - Biblioteca Bassano del Grappa - Grafiche Tassotti - Pick Up

Under the patronage of:
Regione del Veneto - Città di Bassano del Grappa, Assessorato alla Cultura

--> Download the full press release (in Italian)

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